Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Legoland Hotel Grand Opening!

The Legoland Hotel!

On May 15, 2015, the Legoland Hotel in Winter Haven, Florida had it's grand opening! They needed 20 kids to attend the grand opening for the opening performance. My two sisters and I were part of it as well as a few other kids, including some of our friends. The grand opening was a big celebration! Tons and tons of confetti was shot out of large cannons! All different news media, magazine writers, and more were there! They took pictures and videos of us kids playing with the confetti. After we were done playing outside in the confetti, we went inside the hotel to check it out.

The dragon that guards the Legoland Hotel!

When we walked into the hotel, there were many statues built from Lego's and a pit of Lego bricks. It had two columns with Lego's on them in the pit and you were able to add onto them. A little further, there is a castle play area build from Lego's. It too has a pit of Lego's! On one side of the play castle area is the Bricks Family Restaurant. It is so cool! We weren't able to eat there because it wasn't open until dinner but we could see inside it. It had many awesome Lego statues in it of chefs! On the other side was a little cafe' area that was a lot smaller than the Bricks Family Restaurant. Inside that cafe' was a pit of Duplo Lego's. After we checked out all of the first floor, we headed to the elevators. A news reporter from the Ledger came over and interviewed me, my sister, and two other friends. My sister is actually quoted in front of the paper! After this, we went to the elevators to go upstairs. While we waited for the elevator to arrive, we stomped on a "woopie cushion" that was build into the carpet and made funny fart sounds. We went into the elevator and as the elevator goes up(and down), the disco ball starts spinning and plays music! We had a dance party on our way up.
One of the Lego sculptures in the front of the hotel.

This is in the Bricks Family Restaurant. 

The Lego castle play area!

The Legoland Hotel has four different themed rooms, Lego Friends, Kingdom, Adventure, and Pirate. This Legoland Hotel is the only hotel with Lego Friends themed rooms and suites. The second floor of the hotel are Lego Friends rooms and Kingdom rooms. We were not able to see inside these rooms. The third floor is Pirate. We were able to see inside one of these rooms. They are really cool. The area where we walked around is even decorated to the theme. The next floor was Adventure. I have to say, this one is my favorite. It is awesomely decorated!! We were able to see inside one of the rooms here. I even loved how the are where you walk around is decorated!! The rooms are very cool.

The pirate themed kid room. The kid rooms have 3 beds(bunk beds and a pull-out bed).

The adventure themed kid room.

The kingdom themed kid room.

The friends themed kid room.

Here are some pictures from the Legoland Hotel Grand Opening performance and of us playing after:

 A scene from the performance. 

 This is me making a confetti angel!

 Us throwing confetti in the air!

 You can see the media here taking photos of us and videoing us having fun in the confetti!

 The beginning scene of the performance.

 This is my sister Delanie making a confetti angel! 

 One of the news media asked us to throw confetti at him for a video!

My awesome sister Hope made this collage! 

For attending the opening performance, we were given the yellow Lego shirt that says Legoland Hotel right on it. It is special because it is not in stores. Each kid got 2 passes to Legoland, a special Duplo block that says Legoland Hotel on it, and a minifigure. 

If you ever go, I hope you have a lot of fun! I plan on going for my birthday in the fall.

Thank you for reading!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my brick blog. My name is Elliot. I like Lego's and Minecraft and other brick activities. I can't wait to share with you my creations I make and more! Hope you enjoy my blog.